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HAVIT HV-KB395L 薄型矮軸機械鍵盤,104 鍵,可編程,RGB,Kailh PG1350

333 reviews

產品佈局: 美式佈局(QWERTY)
促銷價руб9.900,00 RUB
該產品已在HAVIT Online下架


如需87鍵的LED版本,請查看 HV-KB390L

隆重介紹 HV-KB395L,超薄的104 鍵機械鍵盤

作為HV-KB390L 的升級版,HV-KB395L 薄型機械鍵盤採用傳統 104 鍵佈局和令人驚嘆的 RGB 背光模式,令你的打字體驗更加完善。同時保留了Kailh PG1350青軸、22.5 毫米(0.89 英寸)厚度、3 毫米總鍵程、45 克操作力,以及你所喜歡 HV-KB390L 的其他一切優點。


更薄的鍵盤不僅意味著更便攜、更輕巧,還意味著按下按鍵所需的時間和力量更少,從而使你在遊戲和日常業務中反應更快。 HV-KB395L 薄型機械鍵盤採用最新的Kailh PG1350 青軸,厚度僅為 0.89 英寸,比標準的 104 鍵鍵盤薄 25% 以上。 3 毫米的總鍵程和 45 克的操作力為您提供自然而快速的機械打字體驗,而不會像其他長鍵程軸那樣在鍵帽和外殼之間產生任何碰撞聲。

Kailh PG1350矮軸青軸



  • 背光模式
  • 遊戲模式
  • 啟用/禁用 Win 鍵
  • 按鍵響應時間
  • USB 報告率
  • 媒體鍵
  • 配置文件

可拆卸 Micro USB 線

鍵盤上的 60 英寸 micro USB 線可以從鍵盤上拔下​​。在旅行中分開携帶鍵盤和綫纜會比兩者合在一起携帶更加輕鬆,而且修理/更換綫纜也更容易!

RGB 背光模式

按 FN+F6-F11 從六種預設背光模式中進行選擇,或按 FN+F1-F5(FN+F12 保存)自定義您自己的背光模式


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Customer Reviews

Based on 333 reviews
Roman Hankewycz
The best low profile mechanical keyboard

I set out to find a low profile keyboard with good back lighting. After purchasing this keyboard I can't imagine a better one. It strikes the perfect balance of key size, height and travel; it feels very natural and took me no time to get used to. The back light is excellent. First of all the lighting element is completely hidden by the key caps so you don't see the lighting element when looking from the side which can be very distracting. Also the back light can be dimmed to a very low level which is perfect for working in a dark environment. I'm very happy with this keyboard, after owning one for a few months I bought another for my home office.

Karie Parenti

This is a second one I bought. I love it. Its smooth, durable.

Anton B.
Really great keyboard

Works great. Decent quality, not really loud despite having clicky switches.
Don't really have any complaints.

Sean M.
Awesome Keyboard!

Great keyboard! Low profile feels great and they got the key spacing perfect. Please bring back the Japanese layout for low profile!

Micael Valeri
Great keyboard

Amazing keyboard, actuation is light, clicky without being too noisy and the low profile make possible to have a very comfortable wrist position without wrist support. Best keyboard I tried to date

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